Bespoke Metal Fabrication

Expand your business without expanding!

Repair / Service

From breakdown call outs to full service contracts, you have found your one-stop repair shop.

Obsolete Machinery Spares

A large range of constantly expanding machinery parts and tools at a fraction of the cost.

Used Machines For Sale

Good quality machines in excellent condition

With over 40 years experience in the CNC tooling industry working for various manufacturers, we are your go to company for your manufacturing, breakdown, repair and spares in mechanical, electrical and electronics.

We care about your business, continuous production and efficiency and are here to serve you by providing a direct and no-nonsense approach to your diagnostics and repairs

Bespoke Metal Fabrication

Expand your business without expanding

Manufacture your bespoke products utilizing a laser cutting machine and a CNC 7 axis 4m folding machine together with an off-line programming system.

Self Service:

Daily & Weekly Rates Available:  You supply your materials and labour and use our machines to create your bespoke items

Complete Service:

Full turn key … Materials, labour and machinery provided by us to produce your products

Repair / Service

With over 40 years experience servicing and repairing all types of CNC machinery in various fields from sheet metal to machine tool workshops, we offer a high quality service on diagnostic repairs.

From breakdown call outs to full service contracts, you have found your one-stop repair shop.

Repair / Service

With over 40 years experience servicing and repairing all types of CNC machinery in various fields from sheet metal to machine tool workshops, we offer a high quality service on diagnostic repairs.

From breakdown call outs to full service contracts, you have found your one-stop repair shop.

Obsolete Machinery Spares

Has your machine broken down and on investigation you are told by an engineer that parts are no longer available or it’s not cost effective to repair?

Think Again!!

Find your obsolete parts here.  A large range of constantly expanding machinery parts and tools at a fraction of the cost… bring great value

Used Machines for Sale

Looking for good quality machines in excellent condition…find them here.  A great addition and benefit for both new and established businesses.

Additional costing can be calculated for transportation and installation of machines if required.

Used Machines for Sale

Looking for good quality machines in excellent condition…find them here.  A great addition and benefit for both new and established businesses.

Additional costing can be calculated for transportation and installation of machines if required.
